Category & Report Covers

Adding & Managing Report Covers

You can improve the look and feel of your research products using report covers. These can be set for individual reports or across whole categories

You can jazz up your reports by adding a report cover by following these simple steps.

🔔 Please note: The image will be resized to fit 111px x115px.

Add a report cover

1. Head to the Admin area > Content > Report covers.

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2. This will display the current report covers. Click Upload new cover to add a new one.

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3. If you hover your cursor over existing cursors you can Use cover or Delete cover. If you choose to delete the cover, it will be removed from any reports it is attached to. 


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Adding a Category-Wide Report Cover

It is possible to add a category-wide report cover to your chosen category. This can help save time, instead of having to add individual covers to each specific report.

🔔 Please note: The optimum image size to use is 111 X 155px.

Add a Category-wide Report Cover

1. To do this, head to the Admin area > Content > Display Categories.

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2. Hover your mouse over your required category and select Category Cover.

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3. Here you can upload your category cover, by either dragging and dropping or clicking the cloud to open the file. 

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There are a few things to be aware of when uploading Category covers:

  • The behaviour of the category-wide report cover is that it looks from the bottom and upwards.
  • This means if an individual report cover is assigned along with a category report cover, the individual cover will be applied to the report.
  • If a category cover is applied to a top-level category AND a sub-category, the sub-category cover will be applied.
  • If a report is assigned to two same-level categories and they both have category report covers, it will select the category that appears first in the category tree. The cover will be applied from that category. 
  • This will also apply to hidden categories.

4. By adding the cover, it immediately displays a preview. If required you can click Revert cover to take it back to its previous cover or to remove it.

5. Once you are happy with the cover, click Save to proceed. You will then be taken back to the display categories page.

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