Tracking Snippets

Inserting a Tracking Snippet for Google Analytics (or similar Third party tools)

You can use external tracking software (e.g. Google Analytics) to monitor site usage, add feedback widgets and gain more insight into customer activity.

To track site usage, first, you need to insert a tracking snippet which you can obtain from your third-party tool provider.

Once you have your tracking snippet:

1. In Admin, Head to Accounts > Global Preferences.

Group 4 (15)


2. Open up the Misc section. 

3. Click the pen icon for Tracking Snippet - this should be performed on a global level.

Group 5 (13)


4. Enter the tracking snippet code.

Below is an example of a feedback widget. You can add more than one tool to this preference.

image 18 (2)

🔔 It is possible to add placeholders in the snippet code. The supported fields are: <USERNAME/>, <NAME/>, <COMPANYNAME/>, <ACCOUNTNAME/>. Google calls these 'Custom Dimensions'.

Content Catalyst also use separate Google Analytics data to inform development and help optimise site performance.