Publishing Workflow

Publication Scheduler

It is possible to schedule your products for a future date in the Content Catalyst platform

There is a Publish button on the Product admin page to help save time when scheduling, or amending, a publication date of the product.

If the report has already been published, this option will not appear.

On an unpublished report to set the publish date:

1. Head to Admin > Reports > Select a required Report > Publish.

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2. Once clicked, an iframe will appear with two options.

The first option is to set the status of the product. This status will be updated when published.

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3. The second option will allow you to select if the product should be updated 'Now' or 'Later'.

🔔  If you select 'Now', this will publish the product instantly. This will not affect the publication date. 

4. If 'Later' is selected, this will allow you to select when to publish it. It will allow you to set the date and the hour for the product to be published. Please note, that this will not affect the publication date initially set. This publication scheduler is just the product's 'go live' date. 

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5. When the time has been selected, it will reflect the time zone your site has been set up to. The default time zone is UTC. 

6. Once you are happy with what you have selected, click Save. This is now scheduled to update shortly after the requested time.

🚨 The default publish date will be the closest hour to the publication date (rounded down to the nearest hour), or now (rounded up to the nearest hour) - whichever is the latest. You can change when the product will be published, but this will not change the displayed Publication date field that was set.

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