User Registration

Adding a reCAPTCHA to the Registration Form

You can add a reCAPTCHA to your registration form to make your site more secure and stop bots from registering on the site. 

1. You can set this up by going to the admin interface and heading to Accounts > Related Actions > Registration Options

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2. The reCAPTCHA options are at the bottom of the page under the header Bot Prevention.

3. Before you enable this, you will need to set this up with Google. Using your Google account, you need to request a reCAPTCHA V2. This can be done here. It is only possible with a Google account.

🚨 Please note: We only support a reCAPTCHA V2 type.

4. Once completed, tick the Enable reCAPTCHA checkbox.

5. Add the site key to all domains that the site is hosted at. The secret key is encrypted and will not be retrievable once saved.

6. Click Save

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What's Next?

Security Options

First-time log-in

Access Without Logging In (Guest User Access)