
Creating a Trial Account

You can set your site to be an open site that allows trial and guest access. 

Trial Account - A trial account means that users cannot view the website without entering their details. They will need to register some information.

Guest Account - This means that any user can access the site without providing any information.

The steps outlined in this article will allow you to create a system where any user can come and view the marketing pages of reports. Users can then be prompted to register to gain access to free content.

Step 1 – Create trial account

  1. Create a new account that will be the trial account. The account name and company can be chosen by you; we suggest something clear like 'Trial Account'.
  2. Set the trial accounts registration option to allow anyone to register.

Step 2 – Create guest account

  1. Create another new account. The account name and company can be chosen by you: we suggest something like 'Guest Account'.

Step 3 – Create the guest user

  1. Within the guest account create a new user, setting the Username and Name fields to something like Guest.
  2. Select the Shared username checkbox.

Step 4 – Configure guest access

  1. From the account slide out select: Show more > Manage default guest user.
  2. Select your newly created Guest user and save.

Step 5 – Add licenses to free content

  1. Go to the trial account that you created: Admin>Accounts > Search ‘trial account’
  2. Go to the licenses tab
  3. Select Single title licenses > Add License For more information see our guide on adding licenses here.